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Facing Extinction

Catherine Ingram 

"Facing Extinction" is a long form extended essay written by Catherine Ingram discussing the climate crisis from a Dharmic point of view. 

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End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption

Dahr Jamail

Dahr Jamail visits environmental “hot spots” around the world in a global quest to discover how we will cope with our planet’s changing ecosystems.


Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy

Jem Bendell

Sustainability leadership professor Jem Bendell's self published paper has gone viral around the world. The concept of "deep adaptation" purports that humanity needs to prepare for a fundamental collapse of society due to climate change, with a likelihood of complete societal collapse.

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Prayer for the Earth: An Indigenous Response to these Times

Stan Rushworth

As the world rushes toward the brink of biospheric collapse, many people are now looking to traditional Indigenous wisdom for guidance on how to live sustainably. Yet Stan Rushworth, a professor of Native American Studies and an elder of Cherokee descent, believes a different kind of wisdom is revealed once there’s a willingness to face the truth about genocide and loss of right relationship to the rest of life.


Deb Ozarko

Author of Beyond Hope

In her outspoken way, Deb Ozarko exposes the madness of the cultural conditioning that has separated humanity from the web of life that sustains existence. Deb's site contains her blog and the Unplug podcast which is all about evolutionary activism, personal transformation, planetary hospice, and living a deeply connected life in a collapsing world. No sound bites, no life hacks, no b.s.


Podcasts & Videos

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Jem Bendell You Tube Channel

Jem Bendell

Prof Jem Bendell is the author of "Deep Adaptation: a map for navigating the climate tragedy"  This channel collate videos and talks connected to that theme.

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In The Deep

Catherine Ingram 

In the Deep with Catherine Ingram is a series of intimate conversations with cultural, artistic, and philosophical luminaries to explore matters of the heart in our precarious times.

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Post Doom Conversations

Michael Dowd

Regenerative conversations with leading voices exploring overshoot grief, grounding, and gratitude.

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Last Born in the Wilderness

Patrick Farnsworth

Last Born In The Wilderness, is a weekly-released podcast that covers such broad topics as anthropogenic climate change, radical political theory and praxis, animism, psychedelics, and current events.


Groups & Events

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Extinction Rebellion

World Wide

Join a global and politically non-partisan movement where they use non-violent direct action to persuade governments to act justly on the climate and ecological emergency.


Death Cafe

World Wide

At a Death Cafe people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives.


Climate Psychology Allaince

World Wide

The Climate Psychology Alliance welcomes anyone and everyone to its membership who wants to engage in addressing the psychological aspects of the climate emergency.


Climate for Change


We are the only organisation in Australia specifically focussed on helping people to have conversations with their peers on climate change.


Good Grief Network

World Wide

The Good Grief Network builds personal resilience while strengthening community ties to help combat despair, inaction, eco-anxiety, and other heavy emotions in the face of daunting systemic predicaments. 

Groups & Events

Facebook Groups


Positive Deep Adaptation


A place for sharing information on our outer and inner deep adaptation to unfolding societal breakdown due to climate change. 


Near Term Human Extinction Support Group


The Near Term Human Extinction Support Group is for people who have accepted that HUMAN EXTINCTION IS INEVITABLE IN THE NEAR TERM due to anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and the consequences, based on trends determined by scientific research.


Deep Adaptation Professional Network

Linked in

The Professions' Network of the Deep Adaptation Forum is an international space to connect and collaborate with others who are exploring implications of a near-term societal collapse due to climate change.

Mountain Range

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If you know of a group or a person who is looking at these issues in the same way please contact us with the name and web address.


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