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Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy
Jem Bendell
Sustainability leadership professor Jem Bendell's self published paper has gone viral around the world. The concept of "deep adaptation" purports that humanity needs to prepare for a fundamental collapse of society due to climate change, with a likelihood of complete societal collapse.
Prayer for the Earth: An Indigenous Response to these Times
Stan Rushworth
As the world rushes toward the brink of biospheric collapse, many people are now looking to traditional Indigenous wisdom for guidance on how to live sustainably. Yet Stan Rushworth, a professor of Native American Studies and an elder of Cherokee descent, believes a different kind of wisdom is revealed once there’s a willingness to face the truth about genocide and loss of right relationship to the rest of life.
Deb Ozarko
Author of Beyond Hope
In her outspoken way, Deb Ozarko exposes the madness of the cultural conditioning that has separated humanity from the web of life that sustains existence. Deb's site contains her blog and the Unplug podcast which is all about evolutionary activism, personal transformation, planetary hospice, and living a deeply connected life in a collapsing world. No sound bites, no life hacks, no b.s.
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